Art and other stuff

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The boys are back in town

Their smiling faces have lit up our home.  Their giggles have filled the hall, the kitchen, the living room, and every place in between.  They have grown....yes in a week and a half... I measured them and quite literally they seem to have grown.  They are three of the coolest people I will ever meet and I have the pleasure of loving them.

We snuggled up before bed and read a chapter of Fablehaven, Eoin's favourite book series.  Liam cracked the corniest jokes, Seamus snuggled in as close as he could and Eoin took in each and every word I read.  Then it was off to really off to bed....okay I mean it, off to bed....hey why is the light still to. bed!

The quiet nights are gone, the slow pace is gone, the childless couple time is gone.  Back to cooking/cleaning, cooking/cleaning, cooking/cleaning, and then doing it all again the next day.  My days will be filled with answering the same question 20 times, asking the same question 20 times, and reciting the reasons we don't play video games every day.

The quiet nights are gone, the slow pace is gone, the childless couple time is gone.  Back to hearing the chuckles of the secret society of brothers late into the night, being on the receiving end of that smile that melts a heart, kissing 'invisible' ouches that only a parent can see, and listening to jokes that don't quite make sense but you have to laugh anyway.

When we had babies we could not have imagined anything sweeter,  when we had toddlers we could not have imagined anything more fun, when we had preschoolers we could not have imagined anything more engaging. We have school-agers and if you asked two of them we have a school-ager, a tweener and a pre-teen.  No matter what you call them we could not have imagined anything as wonderful as this.

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close at heart ~Kay Knudsen

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