Art and other stuff

Friday, October 29, 2010

Throwing a Ball Against the Wall

Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown let me down.....................I was going to write about finding balance in life but became stuck on this childhood teeter totter chant.  It has just now hit me that the boys have not had the opportunity to learn some of the childhood chants and games I enjoyed so much.  It is not crucial they learn the current school yard games for their overall development but I wonder if I have dropped the ball some in not taking the initiative myself. 

Homeschooling has its benefits and for our family and many others it is the option of choice for helping their children grow.  It is not without fault.  It would be naive to think that a homeschooled child would not be missing out on some things in life by not being in the school system.   Not nearly enough to warrant putting them in school of course.   But there are things that will not happen because they are not in school with the majority of their peers.....thank goodness for the most part! 

School yard games could by the nature of location be more easily learned in the school yard.   Assuming they take place anymore.  I would  guess to some extent they still do, however I am coming from the perspective of having been a young girl in the school system.  I will make sure to ask my husband what his experiences were with school yard games.   I am not ready to go out and enroll the boys in school so that they can take part in recess antics.   It has made me consider what experiences I enjoyed that I would like to share with them.  I am sure they will quickly let me know whether they want me to share.

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