Art and other stuff

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And the violin section can begin

I had one of those of the woe is me, I want my old life back, my friends, my connections, my comfort zone.  They don't happen too often. I really do love our new environment.  I suppose it is not new, we have been here over 4 years now.   It does feel like home 99% of the time, and then I have that moment when I realize what we left behind.   The people and relationships we took for granted, not realizing that even though we only saw some of them every few months they played a big part in our lives. 

Breaking into a small town is certainly not the easiest thing to do.  For the most part we haven't had a  hard go of it but it hasn't been easy either.  Homeschooling in this situation has not made it easier....wait what was that?  Did I just say that homeschooling had a negative?  Yes of course it has its negatives. I would be a fool to state otherwise.  For most families in cities or in places where they know people homeschooling is not isolating.  Here in this situation for us it has been.   We have supplemented what we are missing from the lack of homeschooling connections through sports and other activities but this year the boys don't seem to have any extra stuff on the go.  I am gearing up to have a lonely winter..... violins playing in the background.

I wouldn't give up homeschooling....most days.....  This isn't the first time that I have travelled a path less carved I know I make the harder choices for our family.   I just wish it were made easier by being able to connect to other homeschoolers.

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