Art and other stuff

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The grump who stole New Year's

The new year has begun, the holiday decorations are down and all packed up.  The house is still a disaster though from with gifts and the evidence of housing 4 dogs over Christmas.  It has been a gloomy few days here.  The snow has literally disappeared over night.   The 10C is not worth the disappearance of all the beautiful white ground cover.  I can't say the mood is any better than the weather.  Maybe it is the wind down from the busy week we had or the overdose of media related activities like TV and video games.  No matter what it the cause there is a rain cloud sticking around.

Resolution talk is everywhere today!  This year I am particularly turned off by the idea.  I resolve to do things throughout the year.  Those set on New Year's day have the same chance of being realized as one set any other day of the year.  I suppose it is a bit of late onset hum-bugging.  So bah humbug to this new year!  Or at least to New Year resolutions. 

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